Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Keeping it Clean

Want to give the 10 Day Cleanse a try? Click here

This summer is like most summers, very humid and going by way too fast!
I love spending time outside going for walks, drinks, dinner, runs - you name it, I do it outside - weather permitting. 
Before and After - 10 Day Cleanse
While I don't think I have been slacking on my workouts, I am slightly more lenient on my diet.  It comes with the laid back attitude of summer. "What's one more drink?", "It's hot, I need that frozen yogurt!" It's easy to convince myself to enjoy the moment and not worry about the scale.

For the most part, that is how summer should be. It's how life should be, within reason of course.  As someone who has always struggled with her weight, I work on maintaining a balance for the sake of my sanity and waist line.