Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Advocare 24 Day Challenge

 Last year I decided to switch things up a bit. I was happy with my over all fitness and health but I wanted to see some more changes.  A good friend of mine, who is also a personal trainer, had mentioned Advocare in the past.  At the time, I had dabbled in supplements here and there but never stuck to a routine other than the occasional protein shake.
To see a change, you need to make a change
With summer quickly approaching, I decided to give the Advocare 24 Day Challenge a shot. Nothing risked, nothing gained, right? I also convinced my mom to give it a try with me. The 24 Day Challenge is comprised of 2 parts. The first part is the Cleanse Phase. For the cleanse, you are given ProBiotic Restore capsules and Herbal Cleanse tablets, as well as some Spark. Spark is a yummy energy drink with "...20 vitamins, minerals and nutrients that work synergistically to provide a healthy, balanced and effective source of energy that won't overburden or over stimulate your body."

These products, in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise, help to rid your body of waste and prepare your body to better absorb nutrients.* This isn't the kind of cleanse where you drastically reduce calories or consume only liquids - this is the beginning of a healthier lifestyle!

Other than feeling a little more tired than usual, the first 10 days were a breeze. When you  order the challenge, you're given a nutrition guide that outlines what you should be eating, your water intake and even some recipes that can be found online. Now they even offer a virtual coach!  The recommended food was more or less the same as my existing diet so I didn't have an issue adjusting my eating. My mom had a hard time with how MUCH she was supposed to be eating.  As a teacher she is used to eating when she can, which is about once during the day. She also wasn't used to drinking that much water. She was a trooper though!

The best investment is one you spend on yourself
 The second phase is the Max Phase.  Now that I primed myself for complete nutrient absorption, I was ready to burn some fat!
The Max Phase is about fueling your body in order to achieve maximum results.
During this phase you will take three products that work together to provide you with sustained energy, appetite control, core nutrition and overall wellness.

On days 11 - 24 I had the chocolate meal replacement shake as either my first or second meal of the day. I ended up eating about six times a day, which is more or less how I've continued to eat since trying this challenge.  Other than that, this wasn't really a challenge. I continued with the provided supplements, CorePlex, OmegaPlex, ProBiotic Restore.  All are provided in a pack they call MNS-3, which provided a foundational level of appetite control and energy.

While this doesn't sound like any type of cleanse I've heard of, I certainly wasn't hungry or felt deprived, I did notice I was a little more tired than usual. I allowed my body rest and minimized my workouts to about two to three times a week. My mother didn't exercise more than once a week and that was if she had time.  It seemed a little too easy to me and the scale didn't budge for me at all!
My mom would check in and say, "I'm down 2lb! How did you do?"  To be honest, I started to think I had wasted my money.  Then Day 24 Came...

Day 1 on the left,
Day 24 on the right

It wasn't until I saw the side by side that I noticed the change, most notably in my abdomen and arms!  I remember being at the gym on day 18, catching my arms in the mirror and thinking, "when did I get more definition?"
While my weight stayed the same, I clearly lost inches. I didn't think to take measurements beforehand so I don't know how many total unfortunately.

Breakfast with a Smile - Gluten Free Granola

I love the crunch!
5 days a week I eat breakfast at my desk.  I generally make it ahead of time
and bring it in bulk. I switch it up week to week but I could probably eat yogurt. fruit and granola every day, every week, indefinetly.

Greek yogurt is a great breakfast pick for me.  I like 2% Fage the best. The fat keeps me full and satiated without being as heavy as the Whole.  I can't stand the taste of the 0% and don't feel satisfied afterwards. There is no point in eating it if I'm going to be hungry again in an hour.

I like to top my yogurt with fresh berries, some agave and granola. I love the crunch!

Homemade granola is my go-to when I want something crunchy and slightly sweet.

Store bought granola is usually high in sugar and fat. Which is why my taste buds love it and my waist line hates it!

I decided to experiment and make my own granola so I knew what was going into it. 
Plus it's so easy and cheap to make in bulk that I feel guilty not making it.

Gluten Free Homemade Granola
  • 1C GF Oats
  • 1/2C Coconut Oil, melted
  • 1/4C sweetener of choice. I like creamed honey.
  • 1 Tbs cinnamon
  • 1 Tbs nutmeg
  • 1/4C unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 1/4C chia seeds
  • 2Tbs pumpkin seeds
  • 2 – 3Tbs slivered almonds
  • 2 Tbs crushed walnuts
  • *Chopped dried apricots – I chopped up about 6

Toss the oats w/cinnamon and nutmeg so they’re coated
Add the sweetener and oil together, mix fully then pour over oats
Add nuts/seeds/fruit and mix well
Place in oven on low heat, about 200 degrees

Occasionally toss mixture so it evenly browns.
I take it out after 45 mins or so but it depends on how light or dark you like your granola.

It’s easy to burn so keep an eye on it!

*Any dried fruit works or none at all. The world is  your granola, do it your way!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Workout :: Booty Burn

Everyone seems to love a big booty these days. I think we all know who to thank...
I remember a time when my main goal was to minimize my backside, not to draw more attention to it.  Oh how the tides have turned. I embrace my ASSets now. The widely accepted 'bigger is better' attitude helps a great deal but age also has a lot to do with it. It took me a very long time to be OK with what I see in the mirror.

Diet and exercise also helped in gaining self acceptance. Not just because I look and feel better. But because I know how hard I work and the effort I put into my health and fitness. Spending as much time in the gym as I do, it is easy to become bored and fall into a rut.

That can create two problems. The first being unmotivated to even go to the gym. Who wants to do something they think is boring? The second problem is, that failing into a rut or steady routine yield little to no results. Your body easily becomes accustomed to your level of exertion and you start to plateau.  I avoid that by taking classes and by reading and researching different exercises.

A little research can go a long way. The above video is one of the exercises I do on leg day, specifically when I am targeting my Glutes! The machine is an assisted pull up machine used for...assisted pull-ups.  I use it for its traditional purpose on occasion but I also use it to build them glutes.

I start by wrapping a resistance band around the foot pedal of the machine.

Instead of standing on the pedal with both feet and pulling myself up,
I use one foot and push down!

I pick a heavy weight, I had this on about 160lbs here. Don't be afraid to go heavy, you're stronger than you think. Depending on what I am working, I adjust my foot position to feel it in different parts of my leg / thigh / butt.

For example, I push down with my heel to feel it in the glutes or use the ball of my foot to feel it more in the quads.I use a SLOW and controlled movement to really target the area I am working.

Give it a try and feel the burn!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Breakfast Cookies!

Cookies for Breakfast!

This was a pantry clean out experiment that worked out nicely.  They taste better than they look, I promise.

I needed to condense the contents of my overflowing pantry and decided using up some assorted nuts, oats and chia seeds was a good start.  I always have nuts on hand. Cashew, Almonds, Walnuts - I have them all.

They provide protein and healthy fat that keeps me full & happy. Who doesn't want to be happy at breakfast. Right?

  • 2 mashed bananas 
  • 2c gluten free oats (I Like Bob's Red Mill)
  • 1/4c coconut flour
  • 2 Tbs almond milk 
  • 4 dates (soaked over night)
  • 1/2 c walnuts
  • roughly 2Tbs liquid egg whites
  • chia seeds, shredded coconut flakes, dried cranberries (as many or few as you like)

Bake at 350 degrees for about 8 a 10 min or until the edges brown.

I made a little dent while they were warm for some leftover jelly that needed a home.  I was inspired  by a recipe I saw but I would only recommend that if you're eating them right away, otherwise they got a little soggy. Enjoy!