Thursday, September 6, 2018

Travel - Newport

If you take a look-see at my archive list, you see my posts are sporadic at best. This blog is more like my journal. I write when the mood strikes, and time allows. 

For the most part I write about health and fitness. I share my struggles with my weight and some recipes that I like. I plan to continue to do so but, in an effort, to expand my repertoire I've decided to add something else I love to this here blog. Travel.

I have it in my head that you can't say you, "love to travel," unless your passport is running out of pages and your Instagram is flooded with turquoise water. That is incorrect.

I love to travel away from home. To familiar, old favorites and to new, fun places. My passport might not be impressive, but I really don't care. I love a good road trip and I'm going to share my favorite places with you. It's my blog. I make the rules.

First up, we’re crossing the Claiborne Pell Bridge into my favorite little city, Newport, RI. Rhode Island's official name is Rhode Island and the Providence Plantations.
Smallest by area. Biggest by name.

I reluctantly went to college at Salve Regina University in Newport. A small Catholic school that sits, quite literally, at the edge of the Atlantic. I thought I'd hate it. I hated the idea of it and the fact that my best friend was three states away in Upstate New York.